API Reference
accepts a ref, a configuration object and a dependencies array parameter, with the following options:
// every possible return value as an api value e.g. function, class, ...
type APIObject = Record<string, any>;
interface AptorConfiguration<T> {
getAPI: (instance: T|null, prams?: any) => (() => APIObject);
instantiate: (node: HTMLElement|null, params?: any) => T|null;
destroy?: (instance: Nullable<T>, params?: any) => void;
params?: any;
const useAptor<T>(
// React ref holder for APIObject key-value pairs
ref: Ref<APIObject>,
configuration: AptorConfiguration<T>,
deps: any[] = []
// Return a bindable react ref object for your dom elements
): RefObject<HTMLElement> {
// ...
The react useRef or createRef ref instance which has been passed throw react.forwardRef method. your api will be stored in this ref.
function(node, params): Instance
A function that receives probable bounded-node and params. It then returns an instance of your third-party.
function(previousInstance, params): void
A function that receives previous created instance and params. It is useful when you want to perform the cleanup before new instance creation. e.g. remove event listeners, free up allocated memories, destroy internally & etc
function(Instance, params): ApiObject
A function which receives instance of you third-party and params. It then returns a key-value pair object for api handlers.
Params can have any arbitrary type and can be used with props or pre-defined options.
deps []
React dependencies array for re-instantiating your third-party-packages. It will call instantiate
with latest node, params when ever shallow comparison for with the previous deps array finds inequality.